Booking sequence
Step 1: Please enter your travel data (start and end of trip, number of travellers) on the first page of the Booking Assistant.
Step 2: After entering your travel data, you will receive two proposals giving your optimum travel cover on the second page of our Booking Assistant. Please select the product you require and then click on the "next" button.
Step 3: You should now enter your personal data like last name, first name and (email-)address as well as the names and dates of birth of the insured persons.
Step 4: Please check the details you have entered before you make a binding booking. You can go to your data and make changes at any time by clicking on the links "Booking", "Products" and "Customer data". To make possible that we can send the precontractual information please tick the checkbox and click on "Send documents".
Step 5: For purposes of payment, please chose your preferred method of payment and insert the required data.
Before a binding booking you can go to your data again and make changes by clicking on the links "Booking", "Products" and "Customer data". You only complete your booking when you click on the button "Purchase policy" and you will receive a confirmation of your booking including your premium note and your policy attachment from ERGO Reiseversicherung by email.
- Insurable stay
The temporary tourist stay or the business travel of foreign guests in a host country as well as the onward journey to other host countries are covered.
Host country is deemed to refer to all states in the European Union, and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The country in which the insured person has a permanent place of residence is not deemed to be a host country. Cover begins at the earliest when the insured person enters a host country and ends at the latest with leaving the host countries.
The policy must be taken out before the trip begins and at the latest on the day the person enters the first host country.
For guests travelling to Germany, the following deadline for taking out insurance applies:
- Stays up to 31 days: The insurance can be taken out on the day of entry in Germany and on the following three working days (Monday - Friday).
- Stays from 32 days to 365 days: The insurance can be taken out on the day of entry in Germany and on the following 14 calendar days.
Backdating is not possible. The day of entry (start of the insurance) must be the date on which the insurance is taken out. Insured events that occurred before this date are not covered by the insurance.
- Number of travellers
Please note that it is important to enter the correct age. The age at the time of taking out the insurance is relevant.